
Welcome to the Tournament Rules Page. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the rules, feel free to contact me at or at our website. (

First things first. The maps to be played each round. (These have been picked randomly out of hat.):
Round 1: Headquarters Raid (5 Min.)
Round 2: Urban Assault (4 Min.)
Round 3: Weapons Cache (6 Min)
Round 4: Insurgent Camp
(5 Min)

OVERTIME MAP: Mout Mckenna

Scheduling Your matches:
The scheduling must be posted at ( There, you will follow the post format to schedule the match. Teams who do not reply will forfiet the round.

Server information that should be included:
Server IP:
Server Password: xxxxxxxx

To connect to a match server with a password type the following in your in-game console:
open ipadress?password=password.

So with a server with an ip of and a password of match, the command would be as follows:

Unlike many other ladders and tournaments, ours does not require a finalized roster. When the match occurs, the only requirements a player must meet is to be wearing the team tag. Therefore, if you need to fill up a slot and your down a player, you ARE permitted to find a scab. (someone who is not in your clan, but adds the tags for the match.) This makes the matches fair and will keep the number of no-shows to a minumum. THE MINIMUM number of players for each team in a match is 2. One player is not pemitted to do a 1vs4.

Tournament Match Settings:

The tournament should be set up according to TWL match 4v4 Standards. This set of configuration can be found at You click on rules, go to americas army, type=ladders, ruleset=n/a ladders. This will bring you to a page, find where it says server settings and there they are. They are not posted here for copyright purposes.

If you need assistance setting up a server, please contact me at

The higher seeded team will have side choice. The side that a team chooses must also be communicated to the lower seeded clan while posting/emailing the server information.
The sides will change after 6 rounds. As in any other league, please do not torment (shoot, nade, etc.) the other team during the mission planning round.

The matches will consist of 12 rounds. If the score ends up 6-6, it will be one, sudden death round of OVERTIME. This means the first team to win in overtime, wins all.

Although this match description is broad, I am assuming that if you're signing up for this, your familiar with it. If you have questions contact me.

Reporting a Loss or Disputing Match Results:

As you would to schedule, go to and follow the post format. You will have to register and follow directions. If you need help, email me at

THESE RULES ARE BROAD, BUT IF YOU'RE SIGNING UP FOR THIS, I ASSUME YOU KNOW THE DEAL. Please contact me with any questions you may have at Also, IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE ANY TIME DURING A MATCH, a referee will be online. This applies only to the default scheduled times. To get in touch with a referee, please post in the forum at We will be monitoring it constantly during match night.